West Wittering

Working Parties

The Council organises its work into sub groups or “working parties”.

The members of these working groups are appointed at the annual meeting in May each year.

Coastal Strategy
Footpaths and Open Spaces
Footway Lighting
Sportsfield, Pavilion Management and Millennium Meadow

The membership of working parties is shown below. The chairman and vice-chairman are ex-officio members of all working parties.

Membership of Working Parties and Other Bodies for 2021/22

Working Party

Nos. Members
Allotments 2 Mrs Pike, Mr Patel
IT/Communications / Web Site 3 Mr Patel, Mr Martin, Mrs Barrett
Finance 3 Mr Martin, Mrs Barrett
Footpaths and Open Spaces 3 Mr Buckland, Mrs Barrett, Mrs Wright
Neighbourhood Plan 3 Mr Buckland, Mrs Barrett, Mrs Pike
Parish Assets 2 Mr Buckland, 1 vacancy
Snowhill 3 Mr Buckland, Mr Martin, Mrs Wright
Sportsfield Management & Millennium Meadow 3 Mrs Wright, Mr Buckland
Tree Warden 1 Mr Buckland

Representation on Other Bodies

Chichester District Association of Local Councils
and West Sussex Association of Local Councils
2 Mr Martin, Mrs Barrett
East Head Coastal Issues Advisory Group 2 Mr Martin, Mrs Pike
Manhood Peninsula Partnership 2 Mr Buckland
Memorial Hall 1 Mrs Barrett
Parish Church Liaison 1 Mr Martin
Peninsular Forum 2 Mr Martin, Mr Buckland
Poor Sevens Trustee 1 Mr Martin
Sussex and Surrey Association of Local Councils 2 Mr Hutton, Mrs Barrett
Snowhill (Charity) All Councillors
South Chichester CLC 2 Mr Martin, Mr Buckland
Sportsfield (Charity) All Councillors
Twinning Association 1 Mrs Barrett
West Wittering medical centre PPG Mrs Barrett