West Wittering

Parish Assets

West Wittering lies at the south-western tip of the ‘Manhood’ peninsula, south of Chichester in West Sussex. This beautiful village is accessible by road, bus and bike, and offers wonderful views of the Solent and surrounding area.

The following list shows some of the important and significant features owned and managed by the Parish of West Wittering for residents.

Working Party Members 2020/21

Mr Buckland, 1 vacancy


The Parish Council owns and maintains footpath lighting, benches, litter and dog bins, bus shelters, notice boards and signage.

There are 45 footpath lights and the Parish Council contracts with the Highways Department for their maintenance.

West Sussex County Council has arranged through a Private Finance Intiative to transfer the maintenance and renewal of street and footpath lighting to the private sector. The contract has been awarded to SSE Contracting, part of Scottish and Southern Energy. The Parish Council has opted to have the maintenance of its footpath lights included in the PFI contract. It has been advised that this will include replacement of all the lights over a 5 year period.

Report a fault

If you find a fault in a street light you can report it directly to SSE Contracting by calling 0800 0482435, 0800 0482435 or emailing westsussexpfi@ssecontracting.com. They will require the road name, location, street light column number (normally marked on the column) and description of the problem.