West Wittering

Neighbourhood Plan

Documents available for the Referendum November 2023

Notice of Referendum Oct 2023
West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan Information Statement Oct 2023
Neighbourhood Plan including VDS for Referendum Nov 2023
Neighbourhood Plan approved for Submission Feb 2022
Village Design Statement revised 2022
Referendum Decision CDC Sept 2023
Habitat Regulation Assessment May 2022
Strategic Environment Assessment Opinion Jan 2023
Examination Arrangements April 2023

Documents Submitted DECEMBER 2022

Main NP for consultation Nov 2022
Minutes WWPC February 3rd 2022-1
West Wittering Basic Conditions Statement Updated December 2022
West Wittering DRAFT Consultation Statement Feb 2022 Version 2
West Wittering NP SEA Environmental Report V3.0 170220
West Wittering NP SEA ER addendum V1.0 140621 June 2021
West Wittering VDS
WWNDP Background Evidence Paper April 2022

Updated Documents FEBRUARY 2022

WWPC VDS Neighbourhood Plan Appendix 2
WWPC Approved Neighbourhood Plan for Submission with MAPS
WW NP 2nd Reg14 Flyer
WW NP 2nd Reg14 version
WW NP SEA Environmental Report v3.0 170220
WW NP SEA ER addendum 1.0 140621
Village Design Statement version 3
WWNP letter to Residents Assocs Party house policy 29th March 2021
Responses from Residents re evidence of impact of short term lets
West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan Discussion Paper June 2020
WWPC NP Summary of evidence of impact of Holiday lets and AirBNB
WWPC NP Survey final 20rd November 2020
WWNP Table of Reg 14 Responses 19th May 2020
WWPC NP update for WWPC April 2021

Regulation 14 Consultation February 2020

WWPC NP Survey 23.10.20
Regulation 14 FEB 2020 - Pre Submission Plan
Regulation 14 FEB 2020 - SEA Environmental Report
Regulation 14 FEB 2020 - VDS
Regulation 14 FEB 2020 - Consultation Form
Regulation 14 FEB 2020 - Consultation Flyer

The Vision and Objectives

Vision Statement October 2017
Vision Statement July 2017
Vision Statement October 2016
NDP Draft Objectives

The Plan

SG Task Plan Feb 2018

Project Plan and Communications

Project Plan Feb 2018
Amended Project Plan March 2017
Land Use and Development Tasks
Local Economy Tasks
Project Plan June 2017
SG Task Plan June 2017 Version 3
SG Task Plan October 2017 Version 5
VDS and Charcater Tasks
West Wittering Draft Project Plan 2016-2017

Background Information

11th June 2018 Images
2017_03_11_WWNP DS Unformatted Ruth Betts version
AirS NDP service offer July 2012 Inc F
AirS NDP service offer July 2012 Inc F
AirS NDP service offer July 2012 Inc F (2)
Amended Project Plan March 2017
annual parish assembly mins 2016
Assets Treasures and Heritage Report June 2018 FB comments
CDLP proposed policies and NDP opportunities
Closing Report Template
Club questionaire
Copy of Land Use and Development Worksheet RH
Directory of NP Policies updated Jan 2015
Draft Working Pre Submission Plan
Environment and Green Spaces Tasks
Environment Worksheet
Focus Groups
HNA West Wittering Community Review
Issues and Options Questionaire 1
Issues and Options Questionaire 3
Issues and Options Questionaire 4
Issues and Options Questionaire 5
Issues and Options Questionaire 6
Issues and Options Questionaire 7
Land Use and Development Tasks
Land Use and Development Worksheet
Local Economy Tasks
Local Economy Worksheet
Microsoft Word - AirS NDP service offer - WW Feb 2016
NDP - RCS notes
NDP Annual Assembly details for Steering Group
NDP Annual Assembly Poster - draft
NDP Annual Assembly Poster DS version
NDP Annual Assembly Poster v3 (002)
NDP Attendance 2017
NDP Attendees 20th June 2013
NDP contact list
NDP Flyer for 2017 meeting
NDP groups letter 2016
NDP Heritage and Assets consultation intial results
NDP letter to landowners Dec 18
NDP Letter to national bodies
NDP Questionaire for Annual Assembly meeting may 16 (002)
NDP Questionnaire responses Analysis 2017
NDP Steering Group - Terms of Reference
NDP SWOT Analysis responses 2017
NDP Theme Group Header - B&E
NDP Theme Group Header - C&M
NDP Theme Group Header - H&E
Neighbourhood Plan service offer July 2012 Inc F
Presentation WW NP 14 June 16
Project Plan June 2017
Questionaire 2 Plan
ScopeOfWork WW NDP
Scoping of West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan
Scoping Report Covering letter April 2016 Statutory consultees
Scoping Report Covering letter April 2017 Statutory consultees
Scoping West Wittering NP_SEA-Scoping_Feb 2017 DRAFT
Scoping West Wittering NP_SEA-Scoping_Feb 2017 DRAFT (002)
Scoping West Wittering NP_SEA-Scoping_Feb 2017 DRAFT updated
SG Task Plan Feb 2018 Version 7
SG Task Plan June 2017 Version 3
SG Task Plan Oct 2017 Version 5
Slaugham N.Plan Failure
Untitled attachment 00371
VDS - WWE and Cakeham
VDS - WWE and Cakeham
VDS and Charcater tasks
VDS and Charcater Worksheet
VDS and Charcater Worksheet - Copy
VDS Comments
VDS comments
VDS complaint letter
VDS Complaints Letter
VDS Meeting
VDS Meeting
VDS Notice
VDS Notice
VDS update 2018 fee
VDSDC (South)
Vision Statement Propsal 23.10.2017
West Wittering Green Spaces Report v1 01112016 RT
West Wittering Green Spaces Report v1 01112016 RT (002)
West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan Focus Groups with lead initials drawn from SG
West Wittering NP SEA Scoping April 2017
Wittering Village Low
WW call for sites v3 rdl-word (002)
WW NDP - Draft objectives
WW NDP Agenda April 2016
WW NDP Poster for Heritage and Assets Consultation
WW NDP Poster for Heritage workshop
WW NDP social media guidelines
WW Neighbourhood Plan Call for Sites
WW Neighbourhood Plan Call for Sites v1
WW Neighbourhood Plan Call for Sites v1
WW Neighbourhood Plan call for sites v2
WW NP Scoping of West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan
WW Project plan v2 September 2016 annotated by JB
WWNDP Closing Report assets treasures and heritage 23.4.18
WWNDP Closing Report Template
WWNDP Project plan Mar 2016
WWNDP questionaire web version
WWNP DS clean 30 12 16
WWPC NDP Closing Report Template
WWPC NDP Closing Report Template Housing group
WWPC NDP Frost June 2016
WWPC NDP Land Use Focus Group R Hutton note
WWPC NDP Letter to DG
WWPC NDP Letter to RT
WWPC NDP Research Questions_WestWittering

Key Documents Produced

Useful Links


About us

Steering Group

Action from meetings


External & officer support

Useful dates and Upcoming events

Heritage and Assets
NDP Annual Assembly Poster
NDP Letter To Stakeholders
NDP Questionnaire Annual Assembly Meeting
NDP Heritage and Assets Consultation
NDP Poster for Heritage Workshop

Contact Us

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